Airline Qantas Airlines stopped all flights airbus A380 types of property. The suspension comes after flight QF32 accident, this afternoon.

One officer of Qantas, Alan Joyce, said the termination of this aircraft type will be done until the airline was satisfied and familiar with the information obtained from the QF32 accident.

"The machine is still a new aircraft," he said as quoted by the Sydney Morning Herald, 4 November 2010.

This suspension, he said, would be done until Qantas understand the reasons why these accidents can be up to occur. He stressed that what happened today is the first problem associated with engine failure. "We are very serious about safety standards," he said.

Joyce adds to the engine failure the aircraft can be experienced anywhere in the world. However, he said, Qantas needs to ensure the security of his operation of any aircraft.

He was not sure until when Qantas will investigate this accident.

Due to this problem, he admitted some passengers will experience delays Qantas flight to Perth and including Los Angeles. Qantas will arrange alternative flights. While the passengers of flight QF32 would be given hotel accommodation in Singapore.

"Qantas will operate a replacement aircraft that fly to Singapore tonight. The plane will fly tomorrow with the passengers."

Qantas plane carrying 433 passengers were damaged in the air on the way Singapore to Australia. Flakes are falling damage in some areas of Batam.

The plane then returned to Changi Airport, Singapore after circling for spent fuel. Then, the plane made ​​an emergency landing.

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