Boeing Rilis Pesawat Jumbo Terbaru Boeing 747-8

Washington - Raksasa pesawat terbang Boeing merilis pesawat jumbo terbaru Boeing 747-8 Intercontinental yang menjanjikan pengalaman kemewahan bagi para penumpang. Pesawat dengan 467 kursi penumpang tersebut diluncurkan dengan harapan untuk menghidupkan kembali daya tarik saat kelahiran pertama pesawat Boeing 747 pada 42 tahun silam.

Menurut pihak Boeing, seperti diberitakan kantor berita AFP, Senin (14/2/2011), pesawat ini akan menggunakan lebih sedikit bahan bakar dan memberikan kenyamanan lebih bagi para penumpang dibandingkan versi Boeing sebelumnya. Pesawat dengan panjang lebih dari 76 meter ini akan menjadi pesawat penumpang terpanjang di dunia. Pesawat yang menampilkan teknologi-teknologi terbaru ini diharapkan untuk menyaingi pesawat rival, Airbus A380.

Peluncuran model Boeing terbaru ini dilakukan di depan sekitar 10 ribu orang yang menghadiri acara tersebut yang digelar di fasilitas produksi Boeing di Everett, Washington, AS.

Acara yang digelar pada Minggu, 13 Februari pagi waktu setempat tersebut, dihadiri para pegawai Boeing beserta keluarga mereka serta para tamu undangan yang merupakan orang-orang penting dari sejumlah industri.

Pesawat ini panjangnya 5,8 meter lebih panjang dari seri terdahulu 747-400, sehingga menjadikan Boeing 747-8 ini sebagai pesawat penumpang terpanjang di dunia saat ini. Pesawat jumbo dengan kabin dua lantai ini tercatat pada harga US$ 317,5 juta.

Pihak Boeing menyatakan, pesawat 747-8 baru akan pertama kali digunakan oleh publik setelah dikirimkan pada maskapai penerbangan Jerman, Lufthansa pada tahun 2012 mendatang.

NASA Aircraft Giant Asteroid Approach

                                                   Asteroid Vesta (image:

               CALIFORNIA - unmanned spacecraft from NASA named Dawn, has entered the orbit of Vesta, one of the largest asteroids in the solar system, the space agency said the United States (U.S.) is.
             As quoted by AFP on Monday (7/18/2011), Dawn is expected to get close up to a distance of 16 thousand kilometers of Vesta, to study the largest asteroid's surface.
            It took up to four years to reach this point, "said Robert Mase, manager of the project is valued at USD466 at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, California.
            Later, after observing for a year at Vesta, Dawn will move the aircraft to new destinations namely the minor planet Ceres, in July 2012. "With the mission, the Dawn will be the first unmanned spacecraft on the two objects orbiting the solar system other than Earth," said the official NASA.
            The main purpose of the mission eight years conducted by Dawn was to study and compare the asteroid Vesta with the dwarf planet Ceres, which NASA says will uncover the early history of solar system formation.
            "Equipment at Dawn will measure the composition, topography and surface texture. Furthermore, the Dawn spacecraft will also measure the power of gravity of Vesta and Ceres, to learn more about its internal structure, "explains the NASA.
           Dawn was first launched in 2007, has a gamma ray tool and neutron detectors, which will collect information on cosmic rays when the aircraft is approaching an object. (ATA)

Casa 212 Black Box Found

TEMPO Interactive, Medan - National SAR Agency Chief Marshal Air Marshal TNI Daryatmo admit a black box (black box) planes Casa 212-200 PK-TLF-owned airline PT Buana Nusantara Air has been found. The box was found and rescue team to evacuate victims of the plane.

"Black Box has taken the SAR team," said Daryatmo, Sunday, October 2, 2011. Furthermore, the black box was handed over to officials of the National Transportation Safety Committee (NTSC). Tim NTSC since yesterday has been in post Basarnas in District Bahorok, Langkat, North Sumatra.

Head of Medan Basarnas Tugiman Hadi added, there were seven personnel from the NTSC that has arrived at the post Basarnas. "Two people from the NTSC had to go to the crash site," said Hadi. They, further Hadi, will take the black box and other devices that are considered important in the investigation.

Aircraft Casa 212-200 PK-TLF, Thursday, September 29, 2011 and had an accident on the way to Airport Kutacane Alas Leuser, Southeast Aceh Regency. The plane owned airline PT Buana Nusantara Air is taking off from Polonia Airport at 7:28 pm. But until around 8:03 pm, never landed in the Airport Alas Leuser. At around 9:30 pm the plane crashed in a forest known Gulus Tenebrous Mountain, Langkat.

Photo of Cassa 212 plane that crashes in surrounding forest areas Bahorok, Langkat regency, North Sumatra

Cassa 212 aircraft was found, All Passengers and Crew Killed

National SAR Agency had confirmed that all passengers and crew Cassa 212-200 aircraft that crashed in the forests of Bahorok, Langkat, North Sumatra, in a state of dead. Associate Chief Marshal TNI Basarnas Daryatmo say, the whole crew who were killed are in the position of each seat. Condition of the aircraft doors are also in a closed state. A number of fatal victims' families Cassa 212-200 aircraft owned by PT Buana Nusantara Air (NBA) who fell in the mountains of Bahorok, Langkat, North Sumatra, was hysterical when she heard the news all the victims were killed. Some of them fainted, due to severe shock.

Chairman of the Southeast Aceh DPRK, Fahri said, a number of families currently waiting for the corpse, at the evacuation shelter at SMP 1 Bahorok. "Here we are again trying to calm the victim's family," said Fahri. "How could I not sad, we assume there is hope, because the plane from yesterday looks intact, now suddenly the news was able to die," added the Golkar Party politician.

According to him, no victims' families who come to the location of evacuation due to the severity of Medan. "Everyone just wait here. Later in the evacuation also brought here. The citizens of Southeast Aceh will be sent home together, "said Fahri.

Daryatmo continued, also confirmed the position of the aircraft caught on the slopes of the hills, with the condition of the front of the shattered, broken wings and shattered mesih.

As is known, previous evacuation team had obstacles to reach the site because its location is quite remote and the terrain is very difficult to penetrate with a landline, so it took three days to arrive at the site since the fall of the plane belonging to Air Buana Nusantara (NBA), Thursday morning.

Cassa planes in 1989 made ​​it berpenumpang 14 people, including four children and four. The plane departed from Polonia Airport at approximately 7:28 pm, Thursday. The plane arrived at the airport sahurusnya Alas Leuser, Kuta Cane, Aceh, had suddenly lost contact with ten minutes before landing.

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