Puing Pesawat Wapres Malawi Ditemukan, Tidak ada yang Selamat

 >>>Pesawat yang membawa  rombongan Wakil Presiden (Wapres) Malawi, Saulos Chilima dan sembilan orang lainnya, telah ditemukan pada hari Selasa (11/6), sehari setelah pesawat tersebut hilang dalam cuaca buruk. Presiden Malawi Lazarus Chakwera mengatakan tidak ada yang selamat dalam tragedi itu.pesawat itu disebut jatuh di hutan. "Pesawat itu telah ditemukan dan saya sangat bersedih untuk memberi tahu Anda semua, ini ternyata menjadi tragedi yang mengerikan," katanya dalam pidato yang disiarkan televisi, dikutip dari kantor berita AFP, Selasa (11/6/2024). Foto-foto yang dibagikan kepada AFP oleh seorang anggota tim penyelamat militer menunjukkan para personel militer berdiri di lereng berkabut dekat puing-puing yang memuat nomor registrasi pesawat militer Malawi, Dornier 228-202K. Puing-puing Pesawat Wapres Malawi yang Hilang Telah Ditemukan Pesawat militer yang membawa Chilima (51) dan sembilan orang lainnya tersebut hilang pada hari Senin (10/6), setelah gagal menda...

First Commercial Aircraft Fuel Vegetable

WASHINGTON (AFP) .- The first commercial flights in the United States to use biofuel from used cooking oil is scheduled to fly on Wednesday (9 / 11) from Seattle.The flight was conducted by Alaska Airlines and plans to operate limited flights to demonstrate that alternative fuels can be used ekeftif and safe in the world of aviation.BBC correspondent in Washington reported that the environmental movement in the area of ​​the west coast of America is very strong. Therefore, Alaska Airlines to invest in alternative fuel as aircraft fuel.Although the airline customers eager to reduce greenhouse gas emissions when they fly, they do not mind paying more for airline tickets with bio-fueled aircraft.One gallon of biofuel from used cooking oil pegged at U.S. $ 17 when a gallon of regular gasoline is only U.S. $ 3 per gallon.Therefore, only Alaska Airlines will operate 75 flights with biofuel.But the important thing from this action, said a spokesman for Alaska Airlines, shows that there is an alternative fuel other than fuel and fuel oil is safe to use in the aviation industry.The availability of alternative fuels, advanced Alaska Airlines spokesman, stay requires greater support from government and private sector to make the fuel can be used economically.Airplane fuel made from used cooking oil was produced by Dynamic Fuels, a new factory was established one year in Louisiana.The plant also is conducting an experiment to make fuel for the United States Air Force.The Boeing aircraft company also supports the development of biofuel and said overall industry are really serious about looking for alternative fuels.A number of world airlines also cooperates with researchers to develop biofuels using grasses and even algae.

Sumber : http://pikiran-rakyat.com/node/165092

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